1 - 10 of 56 listingsListings
Teknetics greek series 11" DD wantedCoils - Haverhill (Massachusetts) - January 2, 2014 Check with seller
I am looking for a used 11 coil for my Teknetics Delta. Cord and coil need to be in decent shape.
ctx3030 17" coilCoils - Fairhaven (Massachusetts) - March 27, 2016 Check with seller
Looking for a 17" coil for a ctx3030
Treasure Finder 900 Automatic two box metal detector w/cave mode dual frequencyMetal Detectors - Newbury (Massachusetts) - September 4, 2014 Check with seller
Would like to trade a Treasure Finder 900 Automatic two box metal detector with cave mode, dual frequency with manual. The machine is in excellent condition as you can see by the photos. Open to detector trades, what do you have? Would be most intere...
WantedMetal Detectors - Bourne (Massachusetts) - July 4, 2014 Check with seller
Fisher F5 Metal detector
TRADE BRAND NEW SHOVEL AND TROWEL FOR BEGINNER DETECTORDigging tools - Attleboro Falls (Massachusetts) - March 9, 2014 Check with seller
hey everyone I just got in my brand new camo shovel and trowel a friend of mine made he has been making them for a bit and does very very good work, well even though I'd love to go and use them I know he has been looking for a beginner detector so is...
WTB deus vance muffsMiscellaneous - Halifax (Massachusetts) - November 25, 2016 Check with seller
Looking to buy a pair of XP deus Vance muff headphones.
Trade nearly new Whites super 12 coilCoils - Leominster (Massachusetts) - September 25, 2015 Check with seller
For nearly new Detech 13 inch coil "made for whites". Not interested if it doesn't have the sticker saying made specifically for Whites electronics.
headphonesMiscellaneous - Attleboro Falls (Massachusetts) - February 9, 2014 Check with seller
looking for a decent set of grey ghost headphones basically for back up I have new xterra coils to trade or I might consider my tdk wr700 wireless ones or shoot me a price what ur looking to get
White's XLT + cash for XP DeusMetal Detectors - Winchendon (Massachusetts) - August 21, 2015 Check with seller
I updated from a rainbow XLT to an E-Series XLT in April 2015. The E-Series XLT I have now was purchased from a collector who had used it for display only. I have used it lightly since April of this year. Lately, I have been deep woods hunting and ne...
Xp Deus 11” coilCoils - Attleboro Falls (Massachusetts) - May 17, 2019 Check with seller
Up for trade is my spare 11” coil I’m looking to trade it for the stock 9” coil, great condition w/coil cover I’ll also toss in the runners xp deus arm band if you want it, I’ll post pictures later on